SNEGID is composed of representatives of university clinics, leading hospitals, office-based clinicians, and researchers. 

This diverse group of professionals of different backgrounds allows us to face the challenges as a multi-disciplinary team. SNEGID possesses expertise in the planning and execution of clinical trials, patient-oriented research, management of large datasets, and statistical analyses. The steering committee is responsible for the strategic direction of SNEGID. 

  • March 4th 2025
  • June 3rd 2025
  • November 4th 2025
  • 3rd EoE retreat Les Rasses, Vaud, July 24/25 2025
Dr. Annett Franke, MD

Dr. Annett Franke, MD

Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Senior physician
Phone : +41 (71) 494 20 86
E-mail : annett.franke@kssg.ch

Dr. Carine Blanchard, PhD

Dr. Carine Blanchard, PhD

Nestle Research Center, Lausanne, CH
R&D Expert Allergy, Immunology Group, Institute of Health Science
Phone : +41 (78) 918 53 28
Mail : carine_blanchard@yahoo.fr

Dr. Catherine Saner, PhD

Dr. Catherine Saner, PhD

Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
Data manager of the Swiss EoE Cohort Study (SEECS)
Phone : +41 (79) 507 06 49
E-mail : catherine.saner-zilian@chuv.ch

Dr. Cristiana Quattropani Cicalissi, MD

Dr. Cristiana Quattropani Cicalissi, MD

StudioGastro, Clinica Sant’Anna, Swiss Medical Network Lugano
Consultant physician in digestive Endoscopy Service and gastroenterology Ospedale Cantonale EOC Mendrisio, Switzerland
Phone : +41 (91) 260 12 02
E-mail : cristiana.quattropani@hin.ch

Dr. Jean-Benoit Rossel, PhD

Dr. Jean-Benoit Rossel, PhD
Senior statistician at CTU Bern – University of Bern E-mail : jean-benoit.rossel@ctu.unibe.ch CV
PD Dr. Emanuel Burri, MD

PD Dr. Emanuel Burri, MD

Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Division of Medecine, Kantonsspital Baselland, Switzerland
Chief physician
Phone : +41 (61) 925 23 58
E-mail : emanuel.burri@ksbl.ch

PD Dr. Luc Michel Biedermann, MD

PD Dr. Luc Michel Biedermann, MD

Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, University Hospital Zurich   
Phone :  +41 (44) 255 11 11
E-mail :  luc.biedermann@usz.ch  

PD Dr. med. Christoph Schlag

PD Dr. med. Christoph Schlag

PD Dr. med. Christoph Schlag

Universitätsspital Zürich
Head of Endoscopy
Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie
E-mail : christoph.schlag@usz.ch

PD Dr. Peter Netzer, MD

PD Dr. Peter Netzer, MD

Lindenhofspital Bern
Leiter GastroZentrum Netzer AG
Phone : +41 (31) 300 44 44
E-mail : praxis.netzer@hin.ch

PD Dr. Thomas Greuter, MD

PD Dr. Thomas Greuter, MD

GZO Spital Wetzikon, Spitalstrasse 66, 8620 Wetzikon
Phone :
+41 (44) 934 11 11
E-mail : thomas.greuter@gzo.ch

Prof Dr. Andreas Nydegger, MD

Prof Dr. Andreas Nydegger, MD

Department of Pediatrics Hepatology and Clinical Nutrition in Lausanne
Head of Pediatric Gastroenterology
Phone : +41 (21) 314 33 08
E-mail : andreas.nydegger@chuv.ch

Prof Dr. Ekaterina Safroneeva, PhD

Prof Dr. Ekaterina Safroneeva, PhD

Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern
Senior Scientist
Phone : +41 (31) 631 59 71
E-mail : ekaterina.safroneeva@ispm.unibe.ch

Prof. Dr. Alain Schoepfer, MD

Prof. Dr. Alain Schoepfer, MD

Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology -  Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois  
Médecin Chef, SNEGID President 
Phone : +41 (21) 314 71 58
E-mail : alain.schoepfer@chuv.ch

Prof. Dr. Alex Straumann, MD

Prof. Dr. Alex Straumann, MD

University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Chairman of EoE Swiss Clinics
Phone : +41 (79) 290 82 85
E-mail : alex.straumann@hin.ch

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Simon, MD

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Simon, MD

Department of Dermatology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital
Chief of service, Head of outpatients department (Poliklinik) and Dermato-Allergology 
Associate professor, Medical faculty, University of Bern 
Phone : +41 (31) 632 22 78
E-mail : dagmar.simon@insel.ch

Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Uwe Simon, MD, PhD

Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Uwe Simon, MD, PhD

Institute of Pharmacology, University of Bern
President, Brandenburg Medical School, Neuruppin, Germany
Phone : +41 (31) 632 32 81
E-mail : hans-uwe.simon@pki.unibe.ch

The Swiss EoE Cohort is supported by the following entities: